Intellectual History in
A Thousand Manuscripts

Draft letter from Elie Kedourie to Mr Deakin, 5 December 1953
A letter to Isaiah Berlin from 1955.
A valedictory lecture given upon Pocock’s retirement in 1994 from the history department at Johns Hopkins.
Paper written in 1986 for Conference for the Resurgence of Conservatism
Talk given to the History Alumnus Association of UCL in March 1998.
A lecture given at Barnard College (NY) in 2006.
Historical commentary on Swarbreck’s sketches of Edinburgh.
A talk given at the HET conference in Bath in September 1979.
An essay from 1978.
Public lecture at Arizona State University, 1977.
A talk given in 2005 at Chiba University in Japan.
A speech given on 27 June, 1990.
A handwritten forword to The Machiavellian Moment.
A lecture given in 1965 to Melvill House at Haileybury and Imperial Service College.
A Proposal to Explain an Insolubility
(Unpublished essay c. 1982).
A letter from Louise Freyberger to August Bebel, 1898.
An exchange of letters between Donald Winch and Duncan Forbes in 1975.
Two letters to J-P Mayer from Harold Laski dated 1942 & 1943.
Two letters to J-P Mayer from Adam von Trott zu Solz dated 1936.
Duncan Forbes and the History of Ideas.
Notes made for the scholarly edition of Malthus’ Essay on Population.
Paper given at the Political Thought Conference at New College, Oxford on 4th January 1996.
A speech delivered at the Bentham Studies Conference Dinner, 9th July 1979.